Otago Polytechnic
Otago Polytechnic is one of New Zealand’s top providers of hands-on education. Student satisfaction ratings are among the highest in Australasia, we achieved the highest possible endorsement from government, and employers love our graduates for their knowledge, independence and creativity.
Otago Polytechnic is proud to be a leader in hands-on, career-focused education, achieving some of the best student achievement and satisfaction results in Australasia, and earning resounding endorsements from employers.
Our results means you can feel confident you’ll gain a top quality qualification, have an amazing and enriching time, and put yourself in a great position for a career you love!
As educators, we are looking for innovative ways to deliver our programmes and assess people’s skills. With online tools and blended delivery options, time and distance are no barriers to gaining the education you need. We can even enable people to gain credits for knowledge they have gained in their careers.
We make a difference to the environment, community and the economy through our applied research and enterprise, and our commitment to sustainability. We are pleased to partner with industries and organisations throughout the community, using our expertise to find creative solutions and opportunities.
Otago Polytechnic is a leader in open education. We were the first post-secondary institution in the world to adopt a default Creative Commons Attribution intellectual property policy and we host the head office of the Open Education Resource Foundation which is coordinating the implementation of the OERu. We also host the Commonwealth of Learning Chair in OER.

Dimensions of Openness in Education
NewLearn about the concepts of open educational practices (OEP), open policy, open source and open teaching to achieve more sustainable education for all.

OER Development Project
NewPut your digital skills and knowledge of open educational practices to work and develop OER learning materials for the real world, with options for recognition towards formal academic credit.

Technology Diffusion and Models of Change in Education
NewLearn about the complexities of change with digital technologies in tertiary education from the perspective of the educator and students and apply this knowledge to local teaching contexts.

Designing the transition to a living future
CurrentIn this micro course you’ll learn some powerful tools to assess and benchmark a baseline position of current sustainability performance. The focus is on finding ways to engage others in the process that will also raise their understanding of the issues, and enable them to begin seeing opportunities of sustainable practices.

Strategic planning for success
CurrentWhatever outcome you’re focused on creating - be it a building, a product, a service or a community - great design ideas are driven by starting with the end in mind. So, defining what ultimate success looks like for sustainable development is fundamental to the planning process.

Taking action and choosing priorities
CurrentIn this course you will learn how to prioritise the actions for sustainable development that sit between your baseline and your vision of success by applying the three prioritising questions. You will then consider communicating your work, your audience, your story, and how will you connect the two.

The inspiring challenge of sustainable development
CurrentIn this course you'll learn how to apply an internationally recognised framework that integrates sustainability into a proven strategic planning process. It will enable you to define a vision of success and provide you with the tools you need to effectively and efficiently navigate your way there.

Digital literacies for online learning
CurrentApply digital and academic learning literacies to support learning on the internet in tertiary education.

Digital citizenship
CurrentExplore the concept of digital citizenship and apply this knowledge to learning online and the contemporary workplace

Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world
CurrentHarness the potential of open education in pursuit of your own learning goals while adhering to the requirements of copyright in a digital world.

Critical media literacies and associated digital skills
CurrentExplore the concept of media literacy and apply this knowledge to access, analyse, evaluate and create digital media

The role of the project manager
CurrentA project manager must understand the scope of the task ahead. This course introduces the fundamentals that project management is built upon, enabling you to develop and lead a successful project team.

Initiating a project
CurrentIt is project management best practice to 'start with the end in mind'. This means in order to plan and manage a project, the need and the desired outcome for a project must be clearly identified and incorporated into the project charter.

Planning a project
CurrentAt the heart of any successful project is a well-considered plan. You will develop an understanding of budgets, resource allocation, quality and risk in order to produce a document that outlines the project's pathway to success.

Executing and closing a project
CurrentWriting the project plan is only one of the jobs of a project manager. This micro-course identifies the steps you can follow to ensure effective implementation and prepare for your future projects.

Becoming an entrepreneur
CurrentGenerate an entrepreneurial idea for a product or service and analyse its potential as a startup business.

Planning a business start-up
CurrentDevelop a business plan for a start-up business.

Financing a business start-up
CurrentDevelop a financial plan for a start-up business.