Writing for business success
Develop skills, habits and strategies that support successful writing in various business communication formats and contexts
What’s it about?
This course focuses on how the communication process, messages, and audiences are interrelated in business communications. You will apply this knowledge and develop skills for successful writing in various business communication formats and contexts.
What will I learn?
This micro-course will help you to:
- Understand the importance of effective business communication skills.
- Improve your real-world business communication skills.
- Design effective business messages for diverse audiences.
- Become familiar with common business documents.
What’s involved?
This course is offered as a micro open online course comprising six learning pathways each containing numerous resources, activities, and learning challenges. The learning pathways are:
- Introduction to business communication
- Delivering your message
- Understanding your audience
- Effective business writing
- Business writing in action
- Organisation and outlines
You will join an international community of learners interested in gaining specific knowledge and skills in the field of corporate communication. Learners will include first year business students and working individuals who want to learn about current business communication standards. In contrast to typical first-year university level courses, you are invited to engage with this course for your own interest and enjoyment at your own pace or for possible credit.
This micro course forms part of the larger Corporate Communication course of study coupled with CCOM102 and CCOM103. On completion of the three associated micro-courses, if learners wish, they can be assessed for academic credit.
Anyone is free to participate in this CCOM 101 micro course. An Internet connection and basic web browsing skills are recommended. Learners should have the ability to create a personal blog, post microblog comments, participate in an open discussion forum (instructions and self-study tutorials are provided), and working knowledge of office software and file management.
Image credit: Yucatan by Schwarzes-flimmern published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

The OERu course materials for CCOM101 were adapted and remixed from the Corporate Communication course published by the Saylor Academy under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.