The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University
Leader in innovative, quality, lifelong learning that empowers adults to reach their life and career goals.
Ryerson University’s G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada’s foremost provider of university-based adult education, facilitating access to the university’s renowned, professionally relevant courses and programs. Each year, we support over 70,000 enrolments through a combination of online and in-class learning. Our courses are facilitated by innovative thinkers and practitioners, and are developed collaboratively with other faculties at Ryerson. This model is further enhanced through partnerships with other educational institutions, industry leaders, professional associations, and the local community. With 1,500 courses, seminars and workshops, 78 career-related certificate programs, and numerous part-time degree programs and professional accreditation options, The Chang School aims to be a leader in innovative, quality, lifelong learning that empowers adults to reach their life and career goals.
Since our earliest days of broadcasting courses by radio through Open College, Ryerson has been inspired by, and committed to, the concept of open education. The Chang School legacy values its membership in OERu as an important component of its responsibility to make education accessible to everyone. Our participation in the OERu initiative creates tremendous potential to evolve the work of our faculty and learners, and in doing so, share our insights and resources with the global community.

Web accessibility for developers
CurrentDevelopers who understand accessibility, and are able to create accessible web applications and websites, are in high demand in a world where access to information for people with disabilities has become a legal requirement.

Professional web accessibility auditing
CurrentWeb accessibility professionals are in high demand around the world. This practical course will provide the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to evaluate accessibility and make informed recommendations for improving compliance with international accessibility standards.

Digital accessibility as a business practice
CurrentWith accessibility awareness emerging worldwide, organizations are beginning to realize that accessibility is not only the right thing to do, it's good for the bottom line, and in many places, it's the law. Learn how to create a culture of accessibility in your organization.

Introduction to web accessibility
CurrentThe W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the basis for web accessibility laws around the world. This course takes a practical look at the standard, and through a wide range of activities, helps participants, from novice to expert, understand the many intricacies of accessibility on the Web.