Introduction to Regional Relations in the Asia-Pacific
This micro course introduces students to the study of international relations and the social sciences with a focus on fundamental aspects of history and culture in Asia and the Pacific.
This course is the first of four micro courses to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.
What’s it about?
Understanding Asia and the Pacific as an emerging social, cultural and economic region is now a priority for the entire world and especially for students of international relations. In this course students will learn about societies and cultures in Asia and the Pacific within a framework of international relations.
What will I learn?
Students will learn:
- the basic geography of Asia and the Pacific
- an historical overview of European contact in Asia and the Pacific
- the main factors influencing life in Asia and the Pacific
What’s involved?
- Working through modules
- Completing e-tivities.
- Sourcing and critiquing readings.
No prerequisites
What micro courses are required for course credit?
Learners are required to complete four micro-courses to gain credit for Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific:
- Introduction to Regional Relations in the Asia-Pacific
- Understanding Culture in Asia and the Pacific
- Regional economics in Asia and the Pacific
- Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
Image credit Guilin at sunrise by Laura, Creative Commons Attribution.
Estimated Start:
4 weeks,10 hours per week
Micro course
Course Credit:
OER1001 Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific
Additional Courses:
Understanding Culture in Asia and the Pacific, Regional Economics in Asia and the Pacific, Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
Bachelor of General Studies
1st year Bachelor’s
Who are the developers:

Who are the lead facilitators: