Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
This micro course focusses on tourism to the Asia and Pacific. It draws on three prior courses to encourage students to demonstrate cultural literacy skills and a detailed knowledge of one particular state or region.
This micro course is the last of four micro courses required to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.
What’s it about?
The course is about the application of knowledge to be able to describe and analyse international perspectives through the perspective of understanding the tourism industry of a particular state or region.
What will I learn?
Students will learn in detail about cultural traditions and current regional issues through focussed research on a particular state or region with the goal of completing a tourism assignment. They will learn to apply research skills and cultural literacy skills.
What’s involved?
- Working through modules.
- Completing e-tivities.
- Sourcing and critiquing readings.
No prerequisites.
What micro courses are required for course credit?
Learners are required to complete four micro-courses to gain credit for Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific:
- Introduction to Regional Relations in the Asia-Pacific
- Understanding Culture in Asia and the Pacific
- Regional economics in Asia and the Pacific
- Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
Image credit: White Sandy Beach by KuyaAndy, dedicated to the Public Domain.
Estimated Start:
4 weeks,10 hours per week
Micro course
Course Credit:
DIP1005 International Relations in Asia and the Pacific
Additional Courses:
Introduction to Regional Relations in the Asia-Pacific, Understanding Culture in Asia and the Pacific, Regional Economics in Asia and the Pacific
Bachelor of General Studies
1st year Bachelor’s
Who are the developers:

Who are the lead facilitators: