Take university-level courses online for free and submit assessments when you are ready to have your learning recognised for formal academic credit.
OERu 1st year of study
Do you want to earn micro-credentials leading to a qualification in business and management studies? The OERu is launching the Certificate Higher Education Business (CertHE) in March 2018. For more information on the courses and launch schedule, visit the CertHE page.
Featured courses

Critical Reasoning
CurrentThe course has been designed to give students the opportunity to explore the basic tools of critical reasoning and to empower them to think for themselves. The ability to think critically is of great value in helping to deal competently with ethical, social and political problems in the work situation and everyday life. In most humanities courses at universities lecturers expect students to understand cultural diversity, to critically evaluate information and knowledge claims and to make responsible decisions. However, students are rarely given the opportunity to acquire these abilities in a systematic way.

Managing my Money
CurrentThe free Open University course Managing my money is a course in personal financial management. It covers financial planning, budgeting, debt management, investments, housing, pension planning and insurance.
In addition to building a household budget and balance sheet and developing other practical skills in financial management, the course explores the social and behavioural drivers of financial decision making and the nature of financial risks households can be exposed to.

Introduction to ecosystems
CurrentThis free course from The Open University is designed to help you gain an understanding of the natural world and how the web of life works, with illustrations from around the world.

The Business of football
CurrentIf you are fascinated by football and interested in discovering more about business and management then this engaging and stimulating free course which provides the opportunity to share and comment on your learning with others is for you. You can progress at your own pace over 3–5 weeks, and it will take a minimum of around 9 hours of your time over this period.

Succeed with maths - Part 1
CurrentIf you feel that maths is a mystery that you want to unravel then this eight week free badge course from The Open University is for you. The course will guide you through how numbers are put together, give you confidence with using percentages, fractions and negative numbers and provide you with problem solving skills for your everyday life and the wider world.

Succeed with maths - Part 2
CurrentThis free badged course from The Open University will develop your mathematical knowledge and skills using everyday examples.

English: skills for learning
CurrentThis free badged course from The Open University will help you develop your English reading and writing skills you will need to succeed at university.

Succeed with learning
CurrentHave you ever had any of the following thoughts?
What do I want to do with my life? How can I reach my goal? Would I cope with studying at college or university? Can I get better at learning? How can I manage the challenges that life keeps throwing my way?
If you are thinking about questions like these, this free badged course from The Open University Succeed with learning is just what you are looking for.

Taking your first steps into higher education
CurrentThis free badged course from The Open University explores - What is university study like? Is it for me? If you are asking yourself these questions, this free badged course is for you.
Taking your first steps into higher education provides insights into how subjects are studied at university. This introduction to carefully selected materials helps you decide what you might want to study. You will be looking at three main areas: arts and humanities, the social sciences and maths, technology and science.

Can renewable energy sources power the world?
CurrentThis free course from The Open University explores the physical principles underlying the various renewable energies, their economics, their environmental impact, their present status and future prospects in order for you to answer the question, 'Can renewable energy power the world'?

Succeed in the workplace
CurrentDo you want to change jobs? Are you just starting in the job market? Are you returning to work after a break? If so, this course will help you explore career opportunities by starting from you, not the job.

Facilitating learning in practice
CurrentAre you interested in mentorship or looking to develop your mentorship skills? In particular, are you involved in nurse mentorship?
This free badge course explores the principles and best practices underpinning mentorship. The authors draw on their experience in nursing to help you develop your knowledge, understanding and skills of mentorship practice that can be applied to many workplace environments.

Introduction to cyber security
CurrentOur lives depend on online services. Gain essential cyber security knowledge and skills, to help protect your digital life.
We shop online. We work online. We play online. We live online. As our lives increasingly depend on digital services, the need to protect our information from being maliciously disrupted or misused is really important.

Forensic psychology
CurrentExplore how your own mind works, and discover how the limitations of the human brain can lead to major miscarriages of justice.
Despite advances in forensic science, eyewitness testimony remains a critical component of criminal investigations. Psychological research has revealed the dangers of relying on evidence gained from an eyewitness and also how careful the police need to be when questioning witnesses.

Basic science: understanding experiments
CurrentThis practical, hands-on course aims to help you start thinking like a scientist by carrying out experiments at home and making scientific observations.
You will carry out simple experiments to extract the DNA from fruit or vegetables, observe osmosis in action and bake a potato to destruction! You’ll also investigate how different liquids behave when frozen and how much water an everyday food item contains.

Dimensions of Openness in Education
NewLearn about the concepts of open educational practices (OEP), open policy, open source and open teaching to achieve more sustainable education for all.

OER Development Project
NewPut your digital skills and knowledge of open educational practices to work and develop OER learning materials for the real world, with options for recognition towards formal academic credit.

Technology Diffusion and Models of Change in Education
NewLearn about the complexities of change with digital technologies in tertiary education from the perspective of the educator and students and apply this knowledge to local teaching contexts.

Introduction to Art Appreciation and Techniques
NewThis course introduces you to the basics of art appreciation: definitions and roles of the artist, visual thinking, artistic elements and principles of the visual language, and how art speaks.

Art and Our World
NewThis course looks at architecture, how artists express and interpret our world, and how art helps us interpret mortality, the spirit and fantasy.

Designing the transition to a living future
CurrentIn this micro course you’ll learn some powerful tools to assess and benchmark a baseline position of current sustainability performance. The focus is on finding ways to engage others in the process that will also raise their understanding of the issues, and enable them to begin seeing opportunities of sustainable practices.

Strategic planning for success
CurrentWhatever outcome you’re focused on creating - be it a building, a product, a service or a community - great design ideas are driven by starting with the end in mind. So, defining what ultimate success looks like for sustainable development is fundamental to the planning process.

Taking action and choosing priorities
CurrentIn this course you will learn how to prioritise the actions for sustainable development that sit between your baseline and your vision of success by applying the three prioritising questions. You will then consider communicating your work, your audience, your story, and how will you connect the two.

The inspiring challenge of sustainable development
CurrentIn this course you'll learn how to apply an internationally recognised framework that integrates sustainability into a proven strategic planning process. It will enable you to define a vision of success and provide you with the tools you need to effectively and efficiently navigate your way there.

Introducing the voluntary sector
CurrentIf you feel that you want to learn more about the voluntary sector then this short 8-week course is for you. The course will guide you through some of the distinctive features and values of the voluntary sector, how organisations are funded and involve volunteers and other ‘stakeholders’ in their work. It will also provide you with knowledge and skills you can apply to your own work or volunteering as well as your everyday life.

Managing my investments
CurrentOn this free online course, you'll learn about different investment choices, the returns and risks associated with each, and the evidence about their historical performance. You'll explore investment strategies, as well as the practicalities about involvement in personal finance markets. And you'll look at how to avoid the individual and group behavioural traits that can impair effective investment decision making.

Digital literacies for online learning
CurrentApply digital and academic learning literacies to support learning on the internet in tertiary education.

Digital citizenship
CurrentExplore the concept of digital citizenship and apply this knowledge to learning online and the contemporary workplace

Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world
CurrentHarness the potential of open education in pursuit of your own learning goals while adhering to the requirements of copyright in a digital world.

Critical media literacies and associated digital skills
CurrentExplore the concept of media literacy and apply this knowledge to access, analyse, evaluate and create digital media

The role of the project manager
CurrentA project manager must understand the scope of the task ahead. This course introduces the fundamentals that project management is built upon, enabling you to develop and lead a successful project team.

Moons of our Solar System
CurrentThis free course, Moons of our Solar System, will allow you to explore the rich diversity of moons in our Solar System. You’ll explore the fundamental processes that have shaped them, and the relationship between our Moon and the Earth.

Initiating a project
CurrentIt is project management best practice to 'start with the end in mind'. This means in order to plan and manage a project, the need and the desired outcome for a project must be clearly identified and incorporated into the project charter.

Planning a project
CurrentAt the heart of any successful project is a well-considered plan. You will develop an understanding of budgets, resource allocation, quality and risk in order to produce a document that outlines the project's pathway to success.

Executing and closing a project
CurrentWriting the project plan is only one of the jobs of a project manager. This micro-course identifies the steps you can follow to ensure effective implementation and prepare for your future projects.

Writing for business success
NewDevelop skills, habits and strategies that support successful writing in various business communication formats and contexts

Introduction to management
NewLearn about management functions, their history, place in a global environment, and ethical obligations

Leading and managing people
NewStart learning to manage and lead people efficiently.

Planning and managing organisations
NewLearn how managers plan, make decisions and create strong organizational structures.

Core foundations of successful marketing
NewLearn to think like a marketer and apply the basics of undertaking marketing in today's environment.

Market research and customer insights
NewLearn to think like a marketer and apply the basics of assessing and researching the customer and a product's life cycle.

Launching products and generating market demand
NewThink like a marketer and apply the basics of branding products and utilising promotion tools and digital marketing.

Creating effective business presentations
NewLearn how to prepare, organize, and create different types of presentations expected in business contexts.

Intercultural communication, teamwork, and leadership
NewApply the basic principles of effective communication to intercultural and challenging business situations.

Becoming an entrepreneur
CurrentGenerate an entrepreneurial idea for a product or service and analyse its potential as a startup business.

Planning a business start-up
CurrentDevelop a business plan for a start-up business.

Financing a business start-up
CurrentDevelop a financial plan for a start-up business.

Web accessibility for developers
CurrentDevelopers who understand accessibility, and are able to create accessible web applications and websites, are in high demand in a world where access to information for people with disabilities has become a legal requirement.

Professional web accessibility auditing
CurrentWeb accessibility professionals are in high demand around the world. This practical course will provide the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to evaluate accessibility and make informed recommendations for improving compliance with international accessibility standards.

Digital accessibility as a business practice
CurrentWith accessibility awareness emerging worldwide, organizations are beginning to realize that accessibility is not only the right thing to do, it's good for the bottom line, and in many places, it's the law. Learn how to create a culture of accessibility in your organization.

Introduction to web accessibility
CurrentThe W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the basis for web accessibility laws around the world. This course takes a practical look at the standard, and through a wide range of activities, helps participants, from novice to expert, understand the many intricacies of accessibility on the Web.

Thinking, learning and memory

Tourism in Asia and the Pacific
NewThis micro course focusses on tourism to the Asia and Pacific. It draws on three prior courses to encourage students to demonstrate cultural literacy skills and a detailed knowledge of one particular state or region.
This micro course is the last of four micro courses required to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.

Understanding Culture in Asia and the Pacific
NewThis micro course develops students' knowledge of the historical significance of Asia and the Pacific and introduces them to a variety of human ideas, values, beliefs and behaviours.
This course is the second of four micro courses to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.

Introduction to Regional Relations in the Asia-Pacific
NewThis micro course introduces students to the study of international relations and the social sciences with a focus on fundamental aspects of history and culture in Asia and the Pacific.
This course is the first of four micro courses to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Economics in Asia and the Pacific
NewIn this micro course students will learn about the factors that have prompted growing interdependence of states in Asia and the Pacific and about the historical and current economic climate of the region.
This micro course is the third of four micro courses to gain credit in Regional Relations in Asia and the Pacific.

Evolutionary psychology, consciousness and perception

Foundations of psychological science
NewLearn about the emergence of psychology as a scientific discipline, contemporary approaches to studying psychology, the methods used by psychological scientists, and the brain and nervous system.

Living life with dementia
NewDementia is a chronic degenerative disease but it doesn’t have to be a dire diagnosis. People can, and do, adapt to the disease and live full and fulfilled lives; they live their life with dementia.

World history in the early modern era
NewThis micro-course examines major historical events and developments during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This course includes examination of the political revolutions at the close of the early modern period.

Imperialism and War
NewImperialism and War examines major historical events and developments during the nineteenth century, and during the twentieth century prior to World War Two.

World War II to present
NewWorld War II to the Present examines the causes, impact, and consequences of World War II, the deadliest conflict in history. It then explores major developments and events around the globe from 1945 until the present.

Introduction to principles of microeconomics
NewLearn about basic economic models, understand the mechanics of supply and demand, and the choices economic agents make to optimise resources.

Production and consumption
NewUnderstand the relationship between individuals involved in the production and consumption functions and the impact of their behaviour on the market.

Market structures
NewLearn how to recognise the differences between important economic systems, identify the characteristics of various market structures and analyse how supply and demand affects these markets.

The process of writing
NewProcess, style, and method to produce clear and effective academic writing.

Writing for academic purposes
NewProcess, style, and method to produce clear and effective academic writing.

Making your arguments more credible
NewProcess, style, and method to produce clear and effective academic writing.

Revising and polishing your writing
NewRevision process and techniques to produce clear and effective academic writing.

Digital Skills for Collaborative OER Development
CurrentThis is a hands-on course where you will learn and demonstrate your skills in using digital technologies for collaborative OER development culminating in publishing an OER learning sequence on your own website using the OERu platform.

Éducation ouverte, droit d’auteur et licences ouvertes Creative Commons dans un monde numérique
CurrentApprenez à exploiter le potentiel de l’éducation ouverte pour réaliser vos objectifs d’apprentissage en respectant les obligations liées au droit d’auteur dans le monde numérique.